Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tequila Sunrise

Hot Texas Sunrise

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Visitor in my Morning Glories


Think she knows I was trying to take a picture without her knowing? : )

Eye of Mandy


He was muddy from head to tip of the tail. I think around this eye was the only clean spot on him.


Scanned a few years ago, so not the best of quality. Still makes me laugh though.

Brothers and Sisters

Little cowboy and his dad

Isn't he cute!

Rodeo--Words of wisdom

I love this bottom picture. That little boy was hanging on every word that the older boy was saying.


Hey, where's your spurs?

At the end of the day...

Actually, around noon my Morning Glories start to look like this. They've been lasting longer now that it is a little cooler outside.

The Relics

Did you read the list? : )

A very nice ride

I was on my way to the airport when I spotted this car. I stopped and asked the owner if I could take pictures. He was selling this one. He was very nice and kind enough to tell me a few things about this car and the others he had in his garage. He told me if it didn't sell that he was going to drive it to another state to a car show. I believe he said Kentucky, but I can't remember. I'll have to stop back by and see if he did sell this one. *Click on the desired picture if you want a close look.*

Friday, September 19, 2008

A mess of Glories

There is a little butterfly in this picture. Can you find it?

My Charlotte : )

It's a good size spider that lives above the front door. We have an agreement, we stay away from each other. :~o

At the feeder

A Hummer perched

I worked hard adjusting and re-adjusting to get a near perfect picture of the Humming birds here. Finally! The little fellow was probably just giving me a break and decided to pose for me. I mean, I've only been chasing them around all spring and summer long trying to get a decent shot. : )

August 14, 2008


Actually, it's a flower pot that my daughter gave me.
I love the colors, it's just a little colorful and cheery pot.

The beginning of a water balloon fight

Okay, I didn't get any pictures of the fight because...ummm, I was too busy watching. ; )

A day at the water park 6/28/08

The little boy to your left is really serious about this, he has his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008