Saturday, June 14, 2008


This one is my favorite!


Chapel at Austin college

I love seeing the detailed work on the steeple.

Austin College

Victorian Home

Magnolia Tree & Magnolia Blooms

Magnolias have such a wonderful scent.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


If click to enlarge, you can see a crater to the left on the moon's surface.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hummers at the feeder

After standing still and being very patient, I got a couple of pictures. But lately, it's been so windy that I can't keep any sugar water in the feeders. I about froze trying to get these. I'm still trying to get a little closer. Hard to stay focused on a feeder that is swinging in the breeze. It started getting dark outside, and so to me, the hummers are too dark. Better luck next time. : )

Cardinal and Finch eating sunflower seeds